
Taking a class Using Social Media in Business online

Was sick for a month and didn’t get aaaaaannnny class done in that time

Now I am still a bit sick but I am going to power through and cram to finish before I lose access to the class because they give you a certain amount of time to get it done

Dr visit next week so hopefully figure out what the heck happening in my body but for now I got my laptop out of my office/studio and into the living room bed and couch. I am going to try my absolute hardest to make sure I finish in time.

Got to figure out how to stay consistent running a business while dealing with health problems. I know lots of other people have the health/work struggle too. I am cheering you on please cheer me on too! :P

Learning a lot already….the most pressure is the class says I have to do social media not as a business to people but as a person to a person and I have to let people get to know me, like me, and trust me…I don’t trust other people in real life so especially not online so that feels like a hurtle to me …..and letting people get to know me and hoping people like me….ughhhhhh…I honestly feel like I have nothing interesting to say and can’t see any reason for other people to give a fuck about me…but I am going to keep trying and maybe how I feel will change as I learn and go…hopefully.

Also they say that I shouldn’t just go about trying to sell my products but that I should provide service and knowledge in my posts and then people will come to me for my products on their own. So I am trying to figure out what you want that I can give. I can give crafting tips and knowledge and say encouraging things and that’s all I have come up with so far.



Counting the little things

