
I felt really good on Wednesday and okay on Thursday! I got worked all day those days!!! hooray!!! I did class on Wednesday and finances and meetings on Thursday. I still have more bookkeeping to do but I am starting to understand it a little more each meeting, although I still really hate bookkeeping hahaha! I don’t think I will ever enjoy doing the bookkeeping but at least the person helping teach me is super good at explaining stuff and intelligent and just nice to talk to. Thank you, Marguerite! I realized I need to do it daily because I hate it so much, I had procrastinated and thought I would actually remember what everything was to do later… I was severely mistaken. Do your bookkeeping every day and save time and prevent extra headaches!!!!! lol

I also need to get my inventory finished because while I was sick for two months work pretty much came to a dead stop. Then I can finally make some new jewelry pieces! There is an end in sight to all the crappy business side that has taken me so long to learn and re do over and over until I get it right and organized and up to speed. My inventory tracking is still a bit messy, so I am looking for some help with refining it next. I bet I can learn some things to reduce time spent on that. I am just so excited and dying to get back to making jewelry!!!!!!! So much of my time has been sick or wrapped up in learning all the buiness-y paperwork stuff. If you have been reading my blog you know that because I have been complaining about it for a while hahaha! I also still have more class to cram, and the deadline is coming up fast. Thats what I will work on today! Hopefully I can get another lesson done but I don’t know as I am feeling unwell again today. Bummer but I will go until I can’t anymore. I will post my homework on here. It is a social media organization diagram for using social media in business. It’s also a mess and I was lacking some knowledge on what apps you can do automated posting between, but I am just trying to be proud that I did it.





Counting the little things