Tifa-Official Company Mascot

Tifa a.k.a. Tifa bug, Tifa tutu, baby kitty, and little bug. Tifa is my best friend and who I spend the most of my time with, so I decided to make her an official part of the company. Some of my profits from your purchases will definitely be going towards caring for and spoiling her! She would like to be involved more with the business as she does not like being apart from me. Unfortunately, when I turned the bedroom into my office/studio I had to make the room a no kitty zone. I have tried to break my own rules several times by letting her in, but she just won’t behave and it’s not safe for her to get into all my craft supplies. She especially likes to try and eat plastic, like bubble wrap for packaging, and has no problem walking through paint or glue, and I’ve caught her trying to eat wires, etc. I don’t like being apart from her either but it’s for her safety so I told her she can be my mascot and help with marketing! Sometimes her cries are so sad when she is locked away from me, but she is starting to get used to it and crying outside my door less. I go take snuggle breaks with her periodically and make sure her cartoons or kitty music are still playing! :) Yes, she is very loved, and I hope you get to feel the love by getting to see her cuteness as company mascot. :D

Look at her cute little guilty face!

As I was taking photographs, she was first sitting fully on the stool but kept inching closer and closer!

Tifa used to have this big cat tree that she loved! He favorite part of the cat tree was definitely in the little cloth bowl basket part. It was getting old and deteriorating and we were moving to a small apartment, so I had to throw out her tree. :(

Once my business gets going, I hope to get a bigger apartment again and get to have an actual bedroom and living room separate instead of living studio style.

Although living this way hasn’t been too bad, it will give Tifa more room to run around when we play, maybe big enough for her to have another companion, and I definitely plan on getting her a tower with a nice basket!


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