Mother’s Day Sale
I am getting ready for a Mother’s Day Sale at Opportunity Resources in Missoula, MT. I picked out a selection of jewelry I thought a lot of moms around here might like. Some of my older pieces I even marked down significantly to both make buying mom a nice gift more affordable and to make room for new inventory. Win, win! :) None of the selection I picked is on my website yet so head over to check out some pretty jewelry and get your mom or yourself something! :) It is May 8th-May 12th at Opportunity Resources in Missoula, MT from 8am-5pm. I won’t be there in person for this sale, but I am sending about 125 items. I haven’t added anything to the website last week and this while I am preparing for the sale, then I will be adding more items in between as I try to hit more small sales in person this year. Thats the plan right now anyways! Thanks again to everyone supporting me! :)