I will eventually get it done.

This fish has been the bane of my existence for over a year!!!!

This fish normally hangs on my other mother’s front porch. She asked if I would repaint it and I excitedly said yes. She let me take it and said that she didn’t want me to have it for a long time…. that was over a year ago now…. it’s been sitting on my living room floor stubbing toes all year. lol! You see I knew the fish needed sanded before it could get repainted but turns out I am totally scared of the sander plus it hurts my hands to use, so the fish is half sanded. I am very eager to paint it and have settled on a design, I just need to get it sanded all the way!


My mom told me that once she was grocery shopping and she saw a woman at the other end of the aisle just staring at her. She had been preoccupied with her shopping but was embarrassed when she realized what the woman was staring at. Little me was riding in the cart with face and arms covered in the sticker tags from the grocery store shelves. As an adult now, I still have the same enthusiasm for stickers and tapes.

Unfortunately, I also have a bad picking problem but when my therapist heard about my love for stickers and tape, she had a brilliant idea. She told me that all sorts of colored and patterned tapes are made and suggested channeling my energy from picking to making art with tape. Her idea was a major success for me. My picking problem isn’t cured but this has certainly been helping! I can sit and do it for hours and feel very satisfied from the stick of the tape as I work and then I have a beautiful piece of art at the end instead of blood, scabs, scars, self-loathing, painful lesions, nail-less toes, etc.

Art can be healing.

I see her peaceful and smiling face turned up, like a flower, to soak up the warmth of the sun. Count every little victory :)


I have been waiting for a long time to finish this piece. It is titled suicide because I made it shortly after my grandfather committed suicide.

Suicide is something no one seems to talk about. My family was keeping it from most people that my grandpa committed suicide. I am an open person and I think it is better to talk about things and work them out instead of holding it all inside like some big dark secret wound to grow and fester, so I made this piece while working out some of my thoughts and emotions.

Since I have become more independent from my family, I have been enjoying art a lot more. For me, it is no longer about making some perfect piece to gain approval and respect but a release of raw human thoughts and emotions.


Jewelry Portfolio